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Friends of County Grounds Park is sponsored by The Park People as a 401(c)(3).  Our mission is to protect and improve the natural areas and wildlife habitat of County Grounds Park and to continue the tradition of using this land to promote community health and wellness.  



  • President:  Jonathan Piel

  • Treasurer:  Dianne Dagelen


Inquires can be directed to:



Donations contribute to the support materials associated with the events that support our mission (tools, raw-materials, education materials, and outreach to engage volunteers).  Donations specifically to Friends of County Grounds Park can be made through:



Want to show your pride in County Grounds Park, and help support our Friends Group, consider purchasing one of these shirts, hats, or mugs:

Be a Friend of the Park (2)_1.jpg

Purchase online at:


List it as the gift you want.

Get it for the person you think could love the park too!



Milwaukee County Grounds Park does not yet have a formal address.  A common access is by going north on 87th street from the intersection of 87th & Watertown Plank Road in Wauwatosa.  A more detailed map can be found on the home-page of this website.


Sometimes County Grounds Park is commonly referred to as "Sanctuary Woods" - which is a geographic subset of County Grounds Park. 



Milwaukee County Grounds Park in Wauwatosa has limited parking which is accessible from either:

  • 87th Street north of Watertown Plank Road

    • Google/Waze/Apple-map-point "Sanctuary Woods Parking"

    • See map and navigation guidance on this website's homepage

  • Discovery Parkway south of Swan Boulevard


Reporting Suspicious Activity:

Unfortunately, the Milwaukee County Grounds have come under increased abuse during the COVID crisis. Perhaps increased boredom is leading to more extreme behavior.  Perhaps perpetrators believe there is less use and oversight.  This has decreased thanks to very engaged visitors and more presence by the county sheriffs.


The Milwaukee County Grounds is patrolled and enforced by the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Department.  Please be part of the solution and directly report any suspicious activity:  

  • Sheriff:  414-278-4788 

  • Fire or medical emergency:  911


Thanks for helping take responsibility for our shared space.

We are always seeking park history to include in our interactive maps, new ideas that support our mission, volunteers who support the activities, and more friends to support planning/organization.  We can be reached at

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